
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All,

just got back from one week in Barcelona at McNeel devcon2016, if there's anything from last week that needs my attention, please let me know.

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Hi David,

It was great to see you again last week. You and I have compiled quite a list of valuable ideas during our session, but I just wanted to remind you of a separate discussion we had about aligning and spacing components and groups of components on the canvas, similar to how for instance PowerPoint does this. (see attached image) I think many users will highly appreciate a functionality like this.

Hey Ramon,

hope you made it back smoothly. I picked up a nasty virus somewhere at the conference or while travelling home, out of commission for a couple of days...

I came away with a bunch of good ideas for GH2 and a better understanding of the plights of super-users. The main issue right now is trying to figure out what functionality absolutely needs to be implemented at the lowest levels, and what can be added during the beta-process. 






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