
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

AUTOMATE / LOOP line drawn from endpoint of previous line segment to closest point

Hi friends,

I've set up a definition that manually draws a line from and endpoint of a previous line segment to the next closest point within a random 3D point cloud. (four rounds at this point)

a. how would I feed this into a loop? is is it possible since my definition is culling the indices of the previous endpoints? tried using anemone but couldn't figure it out

b. can I cleanly extract all the curves after rounds of looping?


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It solely depends on how you structure well-organized data tree for each salesman.

not the most elegant but I got it to work for two salesman.

you see any optimization of the definition?


Try not to flatten anything inside the loop.

Here are 2 "solutions" for the salesmen where each point can be visited only by one of the salesmen.

a) If two agents find the same closest point, the one which is further away does not move.

b) All agents share a agent2goal-distanceSet to find the shortest combination of movements to visit each point at least/max once.


nice work!

Hi Danny, how did you extract this high-resolution grasshopper definition without the grey background instead of white? Did you use photoshop to get rid of it? 

It is a Grasshopper function
Export high res image
It is in the menu

Thanks to HK & Peter...for some interesting results:cheers!

Yikes! that's rather good I confess.

Only the fact that you've promised some abstention from ... er ... freaky/geeky things stops me from posting a next level C#: adventures of a traveling rat (that sells nothing).

go fir it: I'm been inoculated! :)


An alien rat space ship (blue dot) arrives either on Planets Pink (cities deployed on the surface) or Mauve (underground cities - kinda like Zion [Matrix]) or MagentaCube

Then fires a rat-cloning ray that:

  • clones a rat,
  • makes him feel an irresistible urge to travel (alas: in economy class),
  • equips all the clones with a portable (self cloning) rat cloning thingy.
  • equips all the clones with proper armor/ammo: better safe than sorry.

Then this (and that) happens > ... > Armageddon.

Note: Voted in Code Project as the C# of the previous century (for good reason - if you ask me) - right now I'm working on this.Century C#.


But ... you know what? I have Nobel/Oscar/Pulitzer/Emmy/Grammy/WhateverHasCash on sight > thus I've added a 3rd C# thingy that gives some visual clues more on that big rat puzzle. For the demo rats (humble/premium) load Rhino file first (or use your own rats [avoid sardines]). Due to the peaceful nature of this Noble Forum armor is removed.







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