
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Another Vornoi problem - creating struts to fit a brep surface

I am trying, as part of another project, to create a voronoi strutwork on an arbitary solid surface. (i.e. not a simple surface). I have read much of the forum material on mapping to surfaces - but breps are represented by multiple surfaces so the discussed techniques are not fully workable.

the attached files include my test gh and a solid file to input. I have been able to map a suitable voronoi latticework onto the brep surface - but then I'm stuck. I cannot offset the curves on the brep and create a useable strut surface that way. I cannot intersect swept pipes with the brep surface to create surface patches that could then be joined.

I need some elegant ideas; I seem to be going down a rabbit hole at the moment where I am doing ever more complex workarounds for the grasshopper capabilities. (A case in point; the rail sweep is not working for me for closed 3D polylines, so I am having to cut them up and sweep and cap the segments. Ugh).

Example input brep

Curves on brep - but no simple offset / trim mechanism

Potential rail defining strut trim - but no way to do so...

Brep / rail intersect - but no way to turn this into a surface...



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try this, perhaps...needs weaverbird.  basically, you build out meshes from your cells, which can be thickened...if you want, you can convert them back to nurbs polysurfaces as well.  Here I'm using a really simplified method to manage the curve offsets (I'm scaling from the cell centers projected back to the surface).


Thank you so much for the suggestion and sorry about the tardiness of my response. I had intended to use weaverbird once I had formed my solid; I was not aware of its mesh thickening capability. I will see what I can make of it...

Again - many thanks!





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