
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

After Splitting a surface, how can I create a new domain from only the split UV surface?


I'm new to Grasshopper and I'm running info a problem. I have a large surface that is being split by a curve, but when I try to create a subsurface within the split area, my domain continues to reference the original surface UV plane, not the newly split one. Is there a way to create a new domain for the split surface only?

Thanks much,

Views: 3215

Replies to This Discussion

You must reparametrize it. Put your srfs in a srf-box, then right click-->reparametrize.


have fun


Thanks for the reply Matteo. I'm finding that even when I have reparameterize turned on, the domain is corresponding to the original surface, not the split one I'm interested in. The image I attached should explain it. I'm trying to bound the UV plane to the non-planer surface in red, which is projected from the planar surface below it.


There may be an error in the way I have this set up that is causing this problem. 


looks like a bug. Try to insert a reparametrizing srf-components (the one inside the hexagone), between L-item and isotrim.





Hi Aaron, is it an option to create a new surface from the piece you've cut out of the big surface?
(If you could upload your geometry and definition, it's easier for all of us to help you correctly...)

I think that this is what Aaron is looking for but in this case I'm unable to get the point in the upper left hand corner.  It doesn't seem that you can do this with a domain manipulation.



quite ol'style, but it reasonably works

Nice Matteo.  I used 'Flip' and 'Explode Tree' to replace the 'List Item'. 



Nice. I did what you did Chris, only without the flip; I just grafted the Explode Tree input.

Hi all,


Thanks for the definitions! Unfortunately, the particular geometry I'm working with doesn't mesh with these definitions. Attached is the dilemma. I am simply trying to define a subsurface to a split area within a larger surface. 






What exactly do you want to do with the split area?  What do you mean by 'define a subsurface' ?  Haven't you already defined it by splitting it from the larger surface?  Clearly if it wasn't defined you wouldn't be able to see it.



Can you post an image (draw/project them in Rhino) of what piece(s) of this trimmed surface you would want please. And what are the next steps going to be? I'm thinking there must be some other way to achieve the results you are after.
A wild guess, hopefully helping, with thanks to Andrew Heumann:






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