algorithmic modeling for Rhino
November 2, 2015 to July 16, 2016 – Madrid El auge de la fabricación digital para la construcción y el diseño es una realidad que tiene un desarrollo exponencial y una repercusión creciente en el desarrollo de la actividad profesional. La tec… Organized by Adolfo Nadal - Universidad Europea de Madrid | Type: curso, experto
June 13, 2016 to September 1, 2016 – China Rhino原厂面授课程重要升级通知! 2016年暑期课程开始实行! Rhino 原厂培训课程至2010年开始在中国大陆地区开设以来,一直秉持做最专业和最高品质的课程理念。也持续的把提升授课品质作为核心追求。为了得到最好的教学效果,我们一直坚持以面授课程的方式,通过面对面的直接良好沟通和集中的学习氛围,让学员可以系统全面的学习。 在这几年的教学过程中,R… Organized by Jessesn | Type: training, grasshopper, course, rhino
June 27, 2016 at 6pm to July 5, 2016 at 7pm – Barcelona Primer WORKSHOP de JOYERÍA GENERATIVA en España!Presencial y online | 40 horas | del 20 de Junio al 5 de Julio 2016 En este curso te iniciaremos en el diseño generativo con Grasshopper y Rhinoceros,… Organized by Daniel González Abalde | Type: workshop
July 1, 2016 to July 15, 2016 – Politecnico di Milano - Campus Lecco The workshop Digital Design and Production in Architecture (1-15 July 2016), organized by INDEXLAB – Politecnico di Milano, has the objective to offer a new vision on architecture and its manufacturi… Organized by Andrea Rossi, Lila PanahiKazemi, Pierpaolo Ruttico, Thibault Schwartz | Type: workshop
July 4, 2016 to July 12, 2016 – Tallinn University of Technology Computational Environmental and Energy Design - Workshop on the integration of parametric and generative design methodologies with environmental and energy simulations for architecture and planning.… Organized by Francesco De Luca | Type: workshop
July 4, 2016 at 10am to July 17, 2016 at 6pm – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia IAAC - GLOBAL SUMMER SCHOOL The Global Summer School (GSS) is a platform defined by ambitious, multi-scalar investigation on the implications of emergent techniques in our planned environments. Each… Organized by IaaC - Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia | Type: summer, school
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