algorithmic modeling for Rhino
November 2, 2015 to July 16, 2016 – Madrid El auge de la fabricación digital para la construcción y el diseño es una realidad que tiene un desarrollo exponencial y una repercusión creciente en el desarrollo de la actividad profesional. La tec… Organized by Adolfo Nadal - Universidad Europea de Madrid | Type: curso, experto
November 26, 2015 to January 21, 2016 – Tarbiat Modares University The 6th Series of Tarbiat Modares Grasshopper Workshops will be held each Thursday from 26th November until 21st of January. The Workshop starts at 9 am to 17 pm and it will cover following topics: P… Organized by Morteza Rahbar | Type: training
December 11, 2015 to December 13, 2015 – Sala meeting Hotel NH Collection President La simulazione fisica interattiva, integrata nell’ambito della modellazione parametrica consente di indagare nuove soluzioni formali ottimizzate per l’architettura ed il design. Il workshop approfond… Organized by Arturo Tedeschi - Le Penseur | Type: workshop, corso
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