algorithmic modeling for Rhino
September 10, 2014 at 7pm to November 7, 2014 at 9pm – Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana CURSO DISEÑO PARAMÉTRICO con Rhinoceros & Grasshopper - Santo Domingo - Inicio: 10 de Septiembre / Final: 7 de Noviembre Este curso viene orientado a arquitectos, artistas y diseñadores que q… Organized by Ivan Tavarez Blanco | Type: curso
September 27, 2014 to November 27, 2014 – Bangkok Chakkrawat robotic/digital fabrication training grasshopper with kuka agilus 6 axes open to students and professionals every saturday at new-territories studio bkk. For more info email mindmachinemakingmyths@gm… Organized by Amaury THOMAS | Type: robotic/digital, fabrication, training
October 20, 2014 at 9am to October 24, 2014 at 6pm – ETH Zurich / Hönggerberg / HIT / Chair for Information Architecture Grasshopper, Processing and Data Mining Workshop at ETH / D-ARCH more information can be found here Organized by Matthias Standfest | Type: seminar, week, at, eth
October 23, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – University of Architecture in Sofia Two intensive days of parametric models and digital fabrication by AWARE and arch.tualize at URBAN DESIGN LAB. We will use Rhino 5 (evaluation version available) and the latest version of Grasshopper… Organized by Transfomratori - Urban Design Lab | Type: grasshopper, workshop, /, digital, fabrication
October 23, 2014 from 9am to 11:45am – France Rhinoforyou a le plaisir de vous annoncer la venue à Paris de Jon Mirtschin (GeomtryGYM), le “gourou” international des IFC. Si les IFC et l’interopérabilité entre différents logiciels CAO (BTP… Organized by Jacques HABABOU / Rhinoforyou | Type: bim-ifc
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