algorithmic modeling for Rhino
July 5, 2011 to August 11, 2011 – London A rule that systematically converts one syntactic form or form of an architecture into another... Organized by Dr Behrang Eghbali | Type: online, workshop
July 11, 2011 to July 22, 2011 – California College of the Arts Biodynamic Structures is a two-week design workshop co-taught by the Emtech faculty at the AA and the faculty of Architecture and MEDIAlab at California College of the Arts, exploring active and pass… Organized by AA | CCA | Type: visiting, school, workshop
July 11, 2011 to July 22, 2011 – Universidad de Palermo. Facultad de Arquitectura BUENOS AIRES TURNS TO THE RIVER Dancing Liquid Inter Phases. Buenos Aires’ city border with the river Plate is an unexplored opportunity. This two-week workshop will develop dynamic design strategi… Organized by Architectural Association | Universidad de Palermo | Type: summer, workshop
July 12, 2011 to August 11, 2011 – Warsaw Oferuję indywidualne zajęcia z Grasshoppera oraz Rhino. Terminy oraz szczegóły ustalane są telefonicznie lub poprzez e-mail. Moja oferta jest skierowana do wszystkich osób związanych z projektowaniem… Organized by Kamil Kiendzierski | Type: workshop
July 15, 2011 at 4pm to July 23, 2011 at 4pm – NaN Estrategias básicas y avanzadas de Diseño paramétrico generativo para Rhinoceros.Programación total del diseño gestionando datos, inputs y outputs que afecten al proyecto, desde recolección y selecci… Organized by Doctor No | Type: course
July 18, 2011 to July 29, 2011 – Architectural Association, London, UK Summer DLab experiments with digital design tools and rapid prototyping techniques as integrated systems of design development. Taking advantage of its unique location within the AA premises in the h… Organized by elif erdine | Type: workshop
July 18, 2011 at 8am to August 5, 2011 at 1pm – SEVILLE + GRANADA + MALAGA (SPAIN) ParametricCamp es un taller de cinco días de duración, cuya filosofía es introducir a los participantes en una nueva forma de diseñar: el pensamiento paramétrico. En el taller, profundizaremos sobre… Organized by Garcia del Castillo | Type: workshop
July 22, 2011 to July 31, 2011 – ControlMAD Curso de carácter práctico en el que se imparten herramientas digitales (3D) y de fabricación digital para el desarrollo de esculturas y prototipos, junto con la posibilidad de realizar esos prototip… Organized by Diego Cuevas | Type: sculpture, workshop, digital, grasshopper, rhino, design
July 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011 – Roma P | LAB PARAMETRIC LAB ROMA 22 - 24 LUGLIO 2011 Nuovi scenari impongono al progetto la necessità di sviluppare, a tutti i livelli, capacità di feedback e adattamento. Questa inedita complessit… Organized by Arturo Tedeschi | Come Se | Type: workshop, lab
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