
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

UTCI in Jan

Views: 304


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Comment by navid on April 8, 2016 at 6:28am

Check this:

Thermal Walker

Comment by navid on April 6, 2016 at 11:26pm

Hi Kristoffer. Thanks for your comment. In this example the Mean Radiant Temperature is calculated by employing LB/HB to determine Solar radiation (Esol). We managed to focus and develop the Tmrt method which will be published in PLEA2016. As you read we got basic data from typical year which is made by extremes from 30 years like epw files. It has been a hard work to do and now I've been busy with visualizing the method in a clear way.

There are some notable CFD programs like Ansys and Openfoam which you can use. Its very valuable to understand fluid dynamic before running CFD and the effect of wind on thermal comfort. A very small domain (2m/s -6m/s) of wind has a positive effect. Hence, considering all variables like material texture, or in some cases temperature, in outdoor CFD doesn't make sense for me and I'm more interested in more important Thermal comfort variables like Ta and Tmrt and in case of CFD I'm more interested in localize wind data to my site.

Good luck

Comment by Kristoffer Negendahl on April 6, 2016 at 11:38am
Hi Navid. I read your article fascinating stuff. Great work. What I understand the mean radient temperature is calculated through Ladybug/Honeybee. I as I read the article you got the wind data, relative humidity and local air temperatures from local meassurents, hourly averaged for an entire year. Ideally these data mist be gathered from numerous sources. This sounds like it has been a very expensive and hard work. Of course has the downside that it'll only work for built environments. In the case of simulation, this is what I thought was done, the wind, rel. humidity and air temperature has to be simulated in some sort of cfd-software. You mention Envimet, which does the job albeit in a minecrafty way. Do you have experience with other softwares that dynamically couple these factors?
Comment by navid on April 6, 2016 at 1:01am

Having the software doesn't help you at all. First you need to understand the method then you can make it by your self. However, there are some similar software like Envi-met which do the same by some shortages.

Comment by Bill Chow on April 5, 2016 at 8:52pm

So cool.But how can I get the software?

Comment by navid on April 4, 2016 at 2:13am

To answer your questions I would like to refer you to this article:

Comment by Kristoffer Negendahl on April 3, 2016 at 10:32am
Interesting. Which software did you use to simulate wind, and does the surface temperarures feed back into your wind simulations?
Comment by architsama on April 2, 2016 at 12:49am
which software




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