
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to make a model of some islands but I can't figure how to make the topography plugin work.

I created a mosaic of GeoTIFF files through ArcGIS and exported it as a GeoTIFF ("mosaic to new raster" tool).

In grasshopper I made sure the specified domain was slightly inside the original file domain. I think everything is okay in grasshopper, maybe is it a problem with my file?

Here are the files I'm using for reference.

Thank you for your help!

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Replies to This Discussion

I expect it's not anything you're doing wrong so much as something is wrong in how Elk is handling the GeoTiff. All of the samples I used for testing were from what I had available, and they were all very standard 1°x1° tiles. GeoTiffs have header information that tells you the domains, but I suspect somewhere in the code I'm doing something that expects a 1°x1° tile and it's throwing the error because of that.





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