
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to bake surfaces from 3 volumes but it doesnt seem to work. Rhino says " Neither the document nor the active object have been set. This Bake operation was pointless." Anyone has any idea how to solve this issue?

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Problem is that all geometry is invalid. Invalid geometry won't bake, in case it causes crashes in Rhino.

I don't know yet why it's invalid, still investigating.

I'm willing to bet it's because you're creating a 0.00001 units thin plate:

while your tolerance is set to 0.001 units. This plate is 100 times smaller than your tolerance.

I'm pretty sure that whatever problem you're trying to solve with this extrusion can be solved in a much better way.

If you do not extrude your perforated breps, and use Rectangle Mapping instead of Box Morphing, it's much faster and doesn't generate invalid geometry:


Thanks a lot of your help! Really appreciate the troubleshooting. I am quite new to grasshopper so still learning :)






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