
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


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Comment by Ben on August 10, 2019 at 3:41pm

With the loss of T-splines from the rhino world I have found myself moving to Blender for polygonal modeling. But primarily as a “roughing tool” to explore shapes and form. I was really excited for the T-splines GH overlap and using GH to control the T-spline mesh. So I see Sverchok important to learn for me as I learn Blender while maintaining the visual programming side. So this is awsome. 

What at would be cool is like a side by side tutorial of maybe rather common GH exercises and how you could achieve the same in Sverchok? 

Comment by Danny Boyes on November 21, 2013 at 5:22am

I think its both relevant and useful to post it here. As a result I have downloaded and installed Blender to have a play with. Thank you.

Comment by David Rutten on November 21, 2013 at 3:10am

Nikitron, we don't mind you posting that stuff here at all. It's good to know visual algorithmic modeling is getting a broader base worldwide. It will be interesting to know to what extend the functionality of Sverchok and GH overlap, perhaps even enough to be able to import file formats one day... who knows. Ни пуха ни пера!

Comment by nikitron on November 20, 2013 at 4:06pm

I respect GH and RH. And want to tell again, in context of blender we couldn't achive same wide toolshelf as GH has, and have different approach sometimes, so sverchok can be used parallelly with GH, do not see anything brutal to post it here from this point. We are not opponents for GH.

Let it lay here.

Comment by Ángel Linares on November 18, 2013 at 9:44am

Anyway...I woldn't post this nothing about GH neither RH or related to Mcneel product ;)

Comment by Ángel Linares on November 18, 2013 at 9:24am

It looks nice :) For me if it's open source for me is pretty fair what you are doing, just change the name and jump over the trademark stupid problem ;) 

Comment by nikitron on November 18, 2013 at 8:07am

@Danny Boyes,

Blender is 3D Sw as 3dsmax, and has node system for making materials and for making piscure post-processing, some time ago appeared posibility to use nodes just as you want with blender API and python/C libreries.

So, ours part is to make little programms/nodes that makes some math analisys and operate with universal data, as vectors, polygons (list of vertex' indexes) and matrixes (scale, location, rotation).

And we made OpenGL representation using OpenGL/blender API and we made text viewer using inner text editor of blender.

So, sverchok is something different than GH

Comment by Danny Boyes on November 18, 2013 at 7:58am

For those who talk about transparent nodes - it is blender at all.

I've not used Blender. Which bit is blender and which bit is Sverchok?

Is Sverchok to Blender in this case like Kangaroo to Grasshopper i.e a Set of Nodes for specific tasks?

Comment by Vicente Soler on November 18, 2013 at 7:53am

To patent the principle of visual programming is too late, as you know.

The way they are handing out patents now a days you never know.

Naming has to do with trademark, not with patents. In any case, copying aspects of Grasshopper will probably fall under copyright violation.

Many detractors of intellectual property are not necessarily against trademark since violating it can be seen as a form of fraud. For example, in the fashion industry you can duplicate a design  as long as the article doesn't have the name or label of the original designer.

Btw, this is not to criticize anything you are doing, personally I don't think current IP laws are conductive to innovation and generating net wealth. They seem more akin to a government granted monopoly rather than protection of actual property. So keep up the good work.

Comment by nikitron on November 18, 2013 at 7:20am

We thought about naming "toster", because of "blender" name ))

You all talking about name, something else, it doesn't metter. Instead, main feature is opensource.

Nobody will take it from you.

To patent the principle of visual programming is too late, as you know.

For those who talk about transparant nodes - it is blender at all.

We only realized good known features on blender base. And Sverchok at beginning of existance.





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