
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I get an error when I use mesh(+). It is not working..

I used mesh(+) examples file

Views: 725

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Sorry to hear that.

What does the error say?

Mesh(+) is all red components..and it not working..I used mesh(+) examples file..


There could be many causes for the error.

If you hover the mouse over the little red word bubbles on the components that are in error it will display a text box that will describe what the error is. If you can show me this particular message, it will help to identify why the component is failing for you.

Thank you,


I used mesh(+)_Face-component_samples..

Red component, it have three runtime errors..It is of Mesh(+)Aperture

1. Before Solution exception:Could not load file or assembly '5b1454d5-935d-49f2-bf9b-09bd7170b25a.dll' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

2. Solution exception:Could not load file or assembly '73576251-3435-4529-ab19-f57eba325235.dll' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

3. After Solution exception:Could not load file or assembly '7f9b5934-e3eb-437b-87c9-877f90dd338f.dll' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

Just to check the obvious, you are using the at least Grasshopper release .0056, and Rhino 5 Service Release 3?

i am using GH 0.9.0061 and rhino5 sr5

Ok, I am unable to recreate the error.

If you drag a new version of the component down from the mesh(+) toolbar, do you still get the error?


i still get the error..may be my computer is error .dll file..

thank you so much, David ..I will check it..


Apologies, Im not sure what would be causing that error, everything in the components is just standard VB and Rhino Common.

No, David..Thank you..mesh(+) is very interesting..I will check it and contact you later.






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