
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

please post here in case of karamba problems !

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New problem in reinstalling Karamba happened, what this runtime error is about? and how can we fix this up!?

thanks in advance!

Hi Mahdi.
Try reading this topic.

thanks djordje,

i just checked the paths as mentioned in the topic you noticed, turns out, i killed the load paths by 2 different version of Rhino and karamba! problem solved. thanks


I have a problem with Karamba. Every time I try to change any input from "Assemble model" component, Karamba becomes in red and gives me this message:

"Assemble Model" [Error:solution exception:Attemped to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.]

Also I tried to take out this component directly on canvas, and sometimes it appears in red.

I have done these combinations in different computers and the problem is the same:

Windows XP_SP3 (32bits) + RHINOCEROS 4SR8 + Grasshopper 0.9.0014
Windows XP_SP3 (32bits) + RHINOCEROS 4SR9 + Grasshopper 0.9.0014
Windows XP_SP3 (32bits) + RHINOCEROS 5.3  + Grasshopper 0.9.0014

Windows 7 (32bits) + RHINOCEROS 4SR9 + Grasshopper 0.9.0014
Windows 7 (32bits) + RHINOCEROS 5.3  + Grasshopper 0.9.0014

I have copied all Karamba dll's into system32 folder in windows, and there is no change.

What could I do to solve this problem?


Hello guys/girls/other:

I am pretty new to Karamba 3D and I've encountered this error when I am trying to add supports.  Does anyone know what may precipitate such a prompt.  Thanks.  

Hello Kelly,

this error means that the model does not contain a node at the position where you defined a support.

Check the incoming data structure of the assemble component: It looks as though the element input is not compatible with the support input. Try to flatten the elements.



Hi there, i just installed karamba but it seems that the assemble component has always a problem, thus nothing is working. The error is the following : 

1. Solution exception:The type initializer for 'feb.karambaPINVOKE' threw an exception.

Would anyone know why? i am opening the example files provided and all have the same problem. When i open a new blank definition and i place the assemble component it is red from the start. 

any help would be hugely apreciated!!


Hi Giada,

you have to use the 32-bit version of Karamba because Rhino4 is a 32-bit application. Grasshopper 0.9.0014 or upwards should work. 

Make sure to install Karamba in the same directory as the 'grasshopper.dll' used by your Rhino 4. Did you look through the posts at



Hey thanx for the reply!

well i use rhino 5 64 bit.  0.9.0061 is the version of grasshopper i use. I think i instaled in in the rhight location inside libraries. Well when i open grasshopper karamba is there so i guess i installed it in the right place. The only thing doesnt work is that component...

I saw your link but i cant find an answer. Any thoughts?

thanx !

If you install Karamba to Grasshoppers libraries folder, Windows does not find the dynamic link libraries 'karamba.dll' and 'libiomp5md.dll' there which get installed besides 'karamba.gha'.

Installing karamba to the same folder as 'grasshopper.dll' solves the problem because Windows starts to search for dlls in the directory of the calling application.

Alternatively you can move 'karamba.dll' and 'libiomp5md.dll' to the 'Windows'-folder or the 'System32'-folder, or ... (see e.g.

Maybe that solves your problem.



I have this error when I use this component"read cross section table from file".

1. can not find path“c:\users\2828611\appdata\roaming\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\plug-ins\grasshopper (b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf)\\karamba\crosssectionvalues.csv”。

how to give a path for this component?

You can provide a path at the input-plug of the CroSecTable-component. In case you do not Karamba 1.0.4 assumes that it can be found in the folder '.../GH/Karamba' where 'GH' stands for the directory where the 'grasshopper.dll'-file resides.








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