
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All.

I user Grasshopper on multiple computers, all synced with Dropbox. That way, when I create files(.gh), user objects(.ghuser), export and reference clusters (.ghcluster), all three computers work seamlessly together because they all share the same files.

I want to export a cluster (either in .ghuser or .ghcluster) so that others can use it and so that I can use it on computers that aren't in my Dropbox account.

I have created many custom components, and some if them contain others of my custom component within them. Clusters within clusters. In the past when I needed to move these clusters to a new computer, I simply could send the file, and click and drag it into the grasshopper interface. Now, however, they simply don't transfer. My first screenshot shows how some of the objects import with no inputs, outputs, or internal structure. They are just empty objects (the zig-zag sides). Some still do import however (the large orange clusters with about 20 inputs and outputs); however, the second image shows that when you open these up, all the user objects within have disappeared and any connections to it have been wildly moved to the top left corner to a nil object called "~" that doesn't exist.

To be clear, there's no error message like you would normally expect. No "you are missing components" message when you open the file. No "missing components" warning at all. When I transfer between my own computers I have absolutely no problem. But when I try to open them in a new computer, the components sometimes disappear, and sometimes they just loose parts of their code.

Does anyone know what to do? Anyone use User Components/Exported Components between computers and know how to fix this? Thanks!

Michael M.

Views: 1040


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Michael,

that looks like a pretty serious issue. As soon as the next release goes out can we talk about this? I'd like to see some of your objects that no longer work. 


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

ps. I've also moved this into the BUG forum as it's clearly one of those.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Yeah I'd be very happy to try to investigate this when you are able.

I spent a few hours today thinking I had fixed the problem by ensuring that all Cluster Input and all Cluster Output objects were connected to a base data type (like "curve" or "number") rather than the output of a Grasshopper component. This seemed to work on one computer in one instance, but I haven't been able to replicate it.

I've also checked that it isn't a function of when the component was made unfortunately.






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