
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have two sets of planar curves.  If I union the first set, it works great.  The second set fails.  Not clear what the difference between the two would be that would cause this.  Likely to be something in RhinoCommon?  But I only know how to demo the problem via Grasshopper so posting here.  

Cheers & thanks-

    - Brian -

Rhino 5, Grasshopper 0.9

Views: 1063

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It's looks more like a tolerance problem. If you increase the document absolute tolerance to something like "0.00001" and recompute the definition, it does work.

You can use the curves generated using a high tolerance value to detect where the modeling inaccuracies are located, correct them and then region union them with a normal accuracy to get a clean outline:

My guess is that it didn't work with normal tolerance values because due to the modeling inaccuracies the resulting curves might contain very short segments or control points too close together.

How would you go about finding the modeling inaccuracies?  I run into the same problem.

In this case it's easy since this is the result using the original curve and a high tolerance value:

Control points of the original curves around those thin shapes have to be adjusted.





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