
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

grasshopper identified as a .net plug-in but .net support not found on this computer

There is a thread on this that is several years old but it appears that it is dormant so I am starting a new one.  It seems that there have been others with this issue.

To recap, I am running Rhino 4.0 SR9 Evaluation with Grasshopper build 0.8.0066.  It all works fine for a while but then I get to a situation where Rhino will run but it will not load Grasshopper.  The message is "grasshopper identified as a .net plug-in but .net support not found on this computer."

There is no pattern yet as to what triggers this.  I have been working with the C# Script Component including a reference to an external .dll.  I have found that the error often occurs when I close Rhino and restart it.

I have found that doing an uninstall and reinstall of Rhino corrects the problem.  It is not necessary to restart Windows or reinstall Grasshopper.  The last time I did this I saved the entire  "Program Files (x86)\Rhinocerous 4.0" directory and compared the corrupted one to the reinstall.  They are identical so apparently the problem is not in any of those files.  I didn't systematically compare the ProgramData files but they don't look like they store any settings.  So my guess is that there is a Registry setting?

Any ideas appreciated.  By the way, I am not trying to avoid purchasing a license; just doing some exploration while on vacation away from my office which owns many licenses.


Views: 922

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mario

from the description this sounds like a challenging problem. Could you post a screenshot, please, next time the error occurs?

Thank you,

- Giulio

I found this thread while researching the same problem. I will try the reinstall now but wanted to  post the error I have been getting while I was here.

I am running Rhino 4 SR9 and the newest release of Grasshopper. Everything else works fine except one previously save grasshopper file I have that crashes Rhino with the following error message every time I try to reference a geometry. If I try running Rhino in safe mode and performing the same procedure I get the error message shown in the attached screenshot and am unable to load Grasshopper. I did not have this problem before updating to the newest release of Grasshopper.



Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: rhino4.exe
Problem Signature 02: 4.0.2011.309
Problem Signature 03: 4d77cd07
Problem Signature 04: System
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4a275e12
Problem Signature 07: 130a
Problem Signature 08: 0
Problem Signature 09: System.StackOverflowException
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

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Unfortunately re-installing Rhino did not seem to help. I will also try uninstalling and re-installing Grasshopper and the .Net and runtime files.

Afraid I can't help much but just so you get a reply.  After my original post Gulio asked me for a screen shot of the problem.  Of course then it didn't recur.  So something made the problem go away.  I haven't been working on the same computer recenty so I don't know if it is really gone.  In summary:  it isn't just you; it is a real issue; we don't know exactly what is causing it.  In my case I was doing some work in Visual Studio at the same time.  Were you doing anything like that?

Rolling back to an older version of grasshopper worked for me. The exact script I was having trouble with is reference in this thread for anyone looking for more information:






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