
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

First off, thanks for the amazing program, just started using arduino with firefly, oh the possibilities!

I'm have regular crashes doing ordinary things, like moving buttons or hovering over File>Recent Files.. The various ways it's crashed may suggest that it's an interface problem although I'm not sure.

I've installed c++ runtime redists 2008 and 2010, and I've installed .NET 2.0 and associated windows updates (i think up to .NET 3.5 now). I'm running Rhino SR9 Windows XP sp3 on VMWare Fusion 4.

Any advice out there?



Views: 331

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Dan,

when you crash, do you get the error report window? If yes, just commit them and they'll turn up on my list eventually (sometimes it's difficult to assign a crash, so it would be useful if you could write "while using Grasshopper" or something as a message).

McNeel doesn't actually support virtual machines such as VMWare as there are often very weird crashes that turn out to be untraceable. We've found out the hard way that it's a major support black hole. Not what you wanted to hear I realise....


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David, thanks for the  reply.

I'll keep that in mind. I've disabled VM hardware acceleration which accoring to the wiki should help.

As for the crash, yes there was a crash dialogue box, i'll use it next time there is one to post the error.


Ah, just fixed! After days of bashing my brains turn out an uninstall and reinstall worked.

First uninstalled geco.

then uninstalled grasshopper,

then removed Grasshopper directory from Rhino Plugins folder.

Then reinstalled everything.

All good!






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