
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I just downloaded the latest version of Kangaroo Physics 0.080. I cannot find the physics component. In the newest release has this been changed?

Views: 6920

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Hi David,

Have you removed any previous versions and copied both the .gha and .dll into your components directory ?

Also you need to make sure that both files are unblocked

i have the same problem. tried removing and reinstalling, unblocking updating etc. but to no avail. older versions work fine.

This is a very old discussion - do you mean you are trying to install the latest version (0.096) of Kangaroo?

1. Solution exception:Field not found: 'KangarooLib.ParticleSystem.m_KE'.

I get this message in the balloon on the KangarooPhysics component, and is not working. I had to install an older version because the new one is missing this component.



have you unblocked the Kangaroo files in the Grasshopper folder?

That was the problem when i installed Kangaroo.

Rightclick all the files from Kangaroo in the Grasshopper folder and unblock them under properties.

Hope it works.

it well worked, thanks a lot!






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