
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I found this definition  and I' trying to set more then 2 center points. Thereby, which math expression should I use instead of addition?  If somebody can also explain to me why do I have to set the integer of Ex and Ey as 70? Because I've tried to set other values and it's not working.

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The 70 part of the question is solved (see the U feed).

The first part is way out of my math caliber (a non existed thing, to be honest, he he)

best, Peter



I barely can understand what these points do (my math caliber: until recently I believed that cos and sin are pretty much the same thing - identical curves, you know, he he) but give this a spin anyway.

Obviously you can add "points" at infinitum, but what all these things mean?


I've set this points in specific positions in a determined area! I'd like to see the interference waves created by these points! I could add these points just repeating some part of the definition . Now, i would like to use a mesh from surface instead of plane, but I also have no idea about how do it! I should change the definition, some kind of component that do the same for mesh that Sqgrid do for plane. Does anybody know? I didn't understand these genes that you set in your definition...


mesh you said? like this one?  Adjust accordingly in order to avoid a gazillion of points (that could tax even an i7 CPU).

with regard these genes > forget them was a left over from something else.

on second thought maybe you mean this?


Thank you for you reply but is not it I have already achieved what I wanted but now I have more issues because it is not applying in my concept.  I'll attach a deffinition that is not working just in the final step, where should create the wave by the intersections of the the 2 surfaces in rhino. The U parameter failed to collect data. I set the u+1 expression and connected the EX from the grid to the U but is still not working. Do you have some idea? 






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