
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I was trying out the groups in Grasshopper and I made the following definition

The Geo component references three rhino items (a curve, a surface and a Brep). I grouped them and then cloned it so in the move output I have 10 groups. If I bake that, the result in rhino is really weird. Selecting a component selects all the ones that are after it, so if I select the first group all get selected, if I select the fourth one, it selects the fifth and all after that. If I try to ungroup it the behaviour is wierder still.

It looks like a bug to me, at least it doesn't behave like I expect i to.





Views: 512

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Frane,

found it, fixed it. Thanks.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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