
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys! I´m going to buy a new laptop and i´m looking forward to learn how to use grasshopper so...


Wich would be the system requirements for a laptop to acomplish a comfortable use of grasshopper? 

Views: 671

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Actual requirements? Having Rhino4 the latest SR installed. Having .NET 3.5 installed. Having a graphics card that can handle Rhino4. That's pretty much it.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks David!


Could you be more specific in wich graphic cards can handle Rhino4, also how many GB in RAM are necessary?

I ran Rhino and Grasshopper comfortably (even when powered by battery and including addon development) on a netbook with 1GB of ram and an atom processor.  This was for a couple of years and I used it for demonstrations to clients etc.  Computationally heavy definitions will benefit from more capable hardware, but I think your computing requirements will likely be dictated by other software you might choose to use.





I also use 3dMax... the autodesk web page recommend very powerfull graphic cards only compatible with workstations, the problem is that i need a laptop... what do you think?

Sometimes the demonstrations was not fluid.


sorry, friendly


My idea;

For use in CAD ​​graphic chain I recommend a good pc

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