
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

It seems like this this is not working correctly.  

I was shifting a list {1}

The B Output seems correct but A output appears to output {-1}.  Reading the help, I understood the A to just be the original list.






Views: 10201

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Hi Stan,

the way to read a relative offset path is to append the items in the offset path to the original path. So if the offset path is:




and you apply it to an existing path, say:




you'll get:


{0+0; 2+0; 0+1}(4+1)    which equals {0;2;1}(5)


There's no "A" or "B" placeholders in there like you'd get with the PathMapper. In fact, I always specifically prepend the sign of the offset, just to make it more obvious what's happening:




If the new path doesn't exist within the data structure, then the wrapping logic comes into play as well.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Should have sent this earlier...

The whole point of the Relative Item components is to create data pairs. Therefore the data structure layout of both A and B outputs should be identical, otherwise there would be 'radicals'. The only difference between A and B, is which particular data item is stored at a specific location* inside the data tree.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


* a data location is defined both by the path (the curly bracket thing) and the index (the round bracket number).

Ah, Now I understand. Thanks for working this through with me.



I am certain I have not done a good job of explaining myself so... I can possibly address my findings by asking one question which should either confirm my suspicion of a bug or not....  What list can one expect get from the A output? 


Sorry to be so unclear.



Ah, the data inside A is exactly the same as the data inside T.


Except when no matching relative item can be found (because wrapping has been disabled) in which case A will not contain that particular data items from T.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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