
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a modified Enneper surface and i have tried to create stress lines on that surface.

The support conditions are the location where the surface meets the ground. I wanted to know wether the output is correct or not?

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The output looks OK. Why do you have doubts?

The thing is when i bake the stress lines..they are baked into really small fragments..and if i use joi. Command in grasshopper they join in a really odd how can i get continuous lines?

You could use the end-points of the segments to build a poly-line (see attached definition).



so i am planning to use carbon fibres to make a small pavilion using the data i obtained from karamba and doing a post processing clean up in rhino. I wanted to know which would be the best output to use to make a strong surface out of carbon fibres and resin.

should i use forceflow or principal moment or principal stress lines?

thank you

Hi Ishan,

with both options you can get good results.

The principal moment lines are easier to handle since you do not have to specify a gerneral direction like for computing force flow patterns. Another advantage of the principal moment lines is, that they give orthogonal sets of curves.








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