
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all, 

i'm trying to integrate lighting in my thermal analysis with mustapha's method

it's not working for some reason 

your help is very appreciated 

thanks in advance

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i really can't thank you enough for your concern. and i am sorry for the buzz i keep on making. 

but the thing is this is a part of my PhD work and as you can see i already invested too much time in it to let it go. and yes i am aware that it's too heavy for normal pc to handle and i really don't have any clue how am i going to develop it more with the computational power i have now but i will leave this to when the time comes. 

any way, attached is a another file with only the light analysis and reading results component (which is the main issue for now. 

in this file i tried to do all the modelling by grasshopper with the minimal effect from honey bee modelling tools so it can be lighter and we can focus only on the analysis bit 

again thank you very much for this 

and i really wish we can meet someday to thank you in person 





There are a number of issues on how you put your definition together but the main issue is about how you are grafting the test point. To make sure I understand your problem correctly you're trying to model multiple floors of a building which are divided in core perimeter zones and you want to use a point in center of each zone as the sensor to figure out the lighting schedule.

then you want to run the study multiple times by changing the number of floors. Can you confirm that I understand the problem correctly?


Hi Anas,

After running a couple of tests I can finally re-generate the error. The daylight coefficient calculation for the spaces doesn't finish correctly which creates the problem on loading the results. I'll report back here soon on how you can address this issue.


Try the attached file for the fixed version. I made a change to the component to handle cases such as yours better. The issue was happening since number of zones in your study was more than the number of cpus. This should not be a problem anymore. I also updated honeybee on github.


mostapha , 

thank you very much for your effort and concern. it is now working smoothly and i'm sorry for the disturbance i caused to you guys. and if there are any chance to do further optimisation in the code in regards to multiple zones analysis please keep me notified. it is my goal once i get more experience in coding



Hi Anas,

Thanks for letting me know. Sorry that I couldn't work on this sooner. Happy that it's finally working as expected.







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