
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone,

I am doing basic LB radiation and sunlight hours analysis on a project for multiple days (21 - march, june, sept, dec). The model is quite big and takes about 3 hrs to run the radiation esp. at the desired grid density.

My question is that is there a way I can save the results for future editing purposes. In simple terms I want to use Legend Parameters to change the display (gradient, low high bounds, etc.) when required. I have been searching on the forum but could not find anything.

What I tried is to bake the mesh and re-select it in gh, copied the sunlight hours results for that mesh in excel and pasted them back in a fresh panel... plugged the mesh and the results panel in custom preview with a gradient.... but the preview doesn't seem to match the original results mesh (test sample attached).

So is there any way I can save my analysis results and use it in future to process as required. I don't want to re run the analysis every time.


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Recreating the Geometry is one way I can solve this. It will be little work for me esp. if the architects send new model every now and then. But I think I will have to try it.

Alternatively, you may also request the architect to send a joined surface.



Unless you have a good reason to do so I would not run the analysis in mm. The tolerance in Rhino is relative and by default is 0.001 of the unit. Now you're making Rhino to run the calculations by the accuracy of a 10-6 which is not really what you need. Adjusting the tolerance or changing the units to Meters should boost the performance.






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