
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The Ladybug_Shading Mask component allows to define the Sky View Factor starting from a 3D model.

The Rayman software or other sw allow to do the same starting from a real image captured with a fish-eye.

I have seen if in ladybug there is a specific component but I have not found it. So I ask: "have you considered to implement this features in ladybug?"



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Are you looking for a component that takes a fisheye image as an input or a workflow to create the whole process in Grasshopper? Grasshopper's Image sampler does take an image and returns the colors for each pixel. You can use Honeybee to render a fish-eye view looking to the sky and then count the number of sky pixels. Apply a black material to all the geometries, generate a uniform sky and set -ab to 0 and pick a high value for -ar.


Here is an example.

Dear Mostapha,

I have used a basic image (Image_for_comparison.bmp, attached below) to compare the SVF calculated with Rayman and that calculated using the above simple script (I have modified it by adding "1-" in the formula).

As you can see from the two images below, the result are a bit different and I'm not able to found an explanation.

Can you try to explain me why it happens?


I have also used the image attached below but the difference in the two values determined by the two softwares persists. I think is due to the different geometry of the input image: square vs circular

How can I exclude the 4 corners in the native grasshopper image sampler component?



I have tried a new code:

Important: in input you have to consider a .png file with transparent background

Are you looking for a component that takes a fisheye image as an input


We don't currently have a component for that in Ladybug but as you can see in the example file you can use Grasshopper native components to get what you need.

I have seen.

Thank you Mostapha!





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