
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,
I am getting sever errors for energy simulation and I don't know how to solve them. I created my HBzones and I fed them to energy simulation component. I am not getting any result and the error I am getting is :
1. The simulation has not run correctly because of this severe error:
   ** Severe  ** GetSurfaceData: Zone ZONE_4 has only one floor, wall or roof, and this surface has a window.

My surfaces are all correct and I have put the right surfaces to right components. I searched this problem but I did not find any similar type. Do you have any idea that what might be my problem? I also attached my gh file.

I am looking forward for your answer and I appreciate your help.

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You either have to internalize the geometry or share the Rhino model. No one can help you just from the Grasshopper definition.

Here is my rhino file. Thank you for mentioning that.

I attached the rhino file. Thank you for mentioning that.


Hi Mitra,

I took a look. You are not supplying closed BREPs to the Honeybee_Run Energy Simulation Component. I suggest you use Honeybee_createHBSrfs component to take your surfaces, and then make zone / zones from them.




... or join the surfaces into a closed brep before connecting it to MassToZone component.

Thank you for your help dear Mostapha. That solved my problem. Thanks so much.

Thank you for your help dear Devang. I appreciate that.






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