
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So I'm trying to take a surface and perforate it with a bunch of funnels.  I need the mesh to respond to the vortexes, so that if they move, the mesh opens up for it.  I guess in a way, I've been trying to weave together two different relaxed objects.  

I'm open to any and alllll suggestions- any ideas on how to proceed.

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3. Agreed- however, these aren't so much columns as, perhaps, visual representations of digital fields, perhaps? Not exactly a venture into structural accuracy, simply one to test grasshopper?

4. Wow! That sounds awesome! I'm really getting attached to these viruses! Can you explain what you mean about using the C# with these data trees instead of Brep faces? It sounds awesome- I'm just lost on how to do it.

5. I suppose Daniel has nothing to do with any of these-- I just thought kangaroo was brilliant and that there may be a way to solve this problem through that route.  This is all rather new and the whole process just looked fascinating. I'm confused though why these cones must be derived from a single data tree? Doesn't the above file show how it can be done with multiple, isolated data trees?


OK, forget DataTrees (ominous and mysterious things) and stick to a List.

1. Create ONE set of random points on the ground.

2. Get randomly some of them for the viruses.

3. Project all to the "top" boundary.

4. "Shift" some (3) around by varying the U/V value (a bit). That way you have one "base" that spawns 2 or 3 vomiting conical "columns". Where's my tranquilizer?

5. Forget all these and do a tensile membrane. Don't allow the "Form" to suck up your mind > this is the route to Oblivion.

Moral: Time flies.

Last Option (before Armageddon): Skype.

Of course there's many vomiting ways for "fusing" this with that.

See one of them (put some random instances of the Alien Queen and off you go).

Task for the brave: Invite Daniel to the party on this one and create a variant of this def  that does a minimal surface without all that mess > how to do what? > ask THD.

Moral: Form (and More) is bad, Function (and Less) is good.


This bridging surfaces thing is fabulous- maybe you should make a play in the Monaco royal family. Really nice job separating the meshes- still looking at it now, but that's really tremendous. 

gracias gracias.  Today, I did a bit of research on this animation bit, excited to see if I can make this a responsive surface. :P

Seriously though, go for one of gracie's girls.

This is a static "concept" indicating the general approach for allowing Daniel to do the conical job stuff for you in just a few milliseconds.

BTW: by attempting to solve the whole thingy via an analytical method (cones + trim + intersection + weeks waiting Rhino to finish)  you are just digging deeper and deeper in that rabbit hole.

BTW: Already applied for some princess (+ zillions) > no positive signs (yet)

More soon

 ... What should I read/watch/etc. to learn this programming shtick? ...

Watch? are you kidding me > kinda learning a forward (windsurf stuff) via Internet e-lessons (Ideal for e-people). Read: I'll ask the Top Hairy Dog (He knows these things). Note: a forward is either entertaining or lethal.

Back to business: I'll try to completely reform this messy mess. That said the theoretical approach to speed things is parallel computing. That said ... this is ... a rabbit hole of colossal proportions. Here's a recently hired girl in my practice attempting to find the Truth Out There.

Moral: Ctrl-Alt-Defeat.

Awesome. Okay, reading sounds brilliant! I can do that. 

So how do I animate stuff with grasshopper? I realize this is a ridiculous barrage of questions, but you seem omniscient regarding all things modeling and motorcycles, so I figure I'd venture a few more. 

I'm playing with setting up these timers, but I can't capture the movements- is there a way to slow things down or get the frames per second faster? My rabbit hole seems to be increasingly unpredictable to navigate.

Re-start from node 0:

This thread is certainly out of control: Insofar the primary focus is on mini-mega pigs (as instance definitions) and birds of pray (as birds of pray). Additionally on first sight has nothing to do with Daniel, but never say never [and stay tuned], he he)

Let's redirect things towards Daniel, then

... So how do I animate stuff with grasshopper? ...

Well ... let's focus on K1/K2 matters first. Note: GH/Rhino are not exactly Modo or Quest3D (a must) ... but you can attack this the "trad" /archaic way by rendering still Views ("frames" that is). You calculate the amount required (say, 15-25 fps) and hope that some rendering engine is fast enough to do the job. Compare with the way that Quest3d works :

The C# AFTER Daniel bakes meshes on a per simulation "tick" basis in separate auto created layers and ... then you must render each "frame" separately. Note: Since I never work with Rhino I have no idea about rendering matters with Rhino.  

What's next? Well ... addressing this via K and forgetting conical columns, alien school buses and hideous delay times.


Here's what I would propose (forget static/mild conical stuff let's go after Death and Destruction):

1. Create a mesh that is hold in place by a few points whilst is trying to get free upwards. Very tricky to achieve (but do brave girls fear the Evil?).

2. Place some birds of Death (included to attached R file as instance definitions) and some viruses (ditto) using the variable scale option. If however you opt for pigs paint them black.

3. Carefully balance the myriad of parameters available in order to match aesthetically the upward portions of the mesh with the Death birds wings.

4. Contact 4 horsemen: Dear all, I have a terrific idea with regard the end of days: blah, blah ... yours truly, Alex.

Elementary eh?


Okay, interesting interpretation. What's wrong with conical columns? Why not? They're just the poorly prioritized icing on the cake:)

Okay, agreed, kangaroo definitely seems to have the impetus to propel this forward... literally. I'll look more at this animation thing and see if I can control the point movement any more.

BTW. nice fish

This is not any fish > is a Da Morgada sardine approved by the Lord (Himself). In fact every genuine def (by The Lord) ships with such a sardine.

In the mean time get this as an animation puzzle (in fact is part of the Lord's solution for your conical mess thingy, but that's another story).

Using K1 (K2 also available but only solely via code: you are not ready for that one).


And this ... is ...well ...something that pulsates a sardine (what else?) : a rather primitive indication for doing "animations" (kinda) outside the K umbrella.

But the main purpose is to guide you into the unknown:

WHAT is the ideal bike for you? You tell me (by bike I mean motorcycle, not some stupid bicycle).







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