
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So I'm trying to take a surface and perforate it with a bunch of funnels.  I need the mesh to respond to the vortexes, so that if they move, the mesh opens up for it.  I guess in a way, I've been trying to weave together two different relaxed objects.  

I'm open to any and alllll suggestions- any ideas on how to proceed.

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Chopping the cones against the inner-outer region loops. For "fusing" overlapping cones and in order to avoid waiting Rhino (approx 1 week) to do it ... I'll use some Dark Side thingy.

Of course the whole concept is wrong: is human concentric, that is. We Architects we don't do stuff for humans any more: we do them for the money and for killing polar bears [and any other member of the Eco-system]. 

Well ...

1. One "branch" left unfinished as a test: are you really brave? Answers to: The Lord, District 9, North Pole.

2. Top dog C# guru did "an almost there" job with regard the C# that "intersects" overlapping conical Breps (maybe I should fire him and hire Me). His excuse: an awful case boss, I'm so sorry.

3. Viruses are too small and/or terrain too big. Consider putting giant sardines (of the finest quality) or mega-goats (cool) or Ducati melted pistons (the norm).

But even if The Lord takes care of the C# and this, this, this and that happen (yielding a "fine" mesh with 1Z faces) > what could be the anchoring policy on that mess in order to achieve the vault goal?

Moral: ResetNowForEver


holy bejeezus.  You are a psycho-genius.  This is incredible! You figured it out! the brep is brilliantly unified and the perforations are way faster to generate this way. (nice touch on the trimming bit- way more svelte) 

Now that you have unbelievably cured my major ailment, I may as well be greedy and try asking another question...  if these tubes were to be generated from multiple, separate planes, how could I get the tubes derived from separate planes to not touch? I mean, with one plane, it is good that these meld and join, but if a second group were introduced, it wouldn't touch... I've tried using some attractor/detractor forces on the lines that create the funnel, but I'm not sure how to do this more efficiently.  Any ideas?  

... genius ...

Not at all > if I was I could marry Caroline of Monaco, get the gazillions and drive sideways a proper SLR day in day out. What about a Cigarette Top Gun 38? (the business).


Guideline (to greatness):

1. If I was you I'll use  boundaries derived from offsetting inwards the inner/outer terrain loops where distance = top cone radius + something (better safe than sorry).

2. That way the "perimeter" chopped cones would be intact cones.

3. Additionally I would use the C# provided in some previous def that does controlled random points (no point with a min distance to any other > a given value [in plain English: top cone radius + something]) and avoid the intersection part as well. This speeds up the whole process and makes it far more logical with regard the structural approach: there's no reason to use "columns" that "overlap".  

4. I'll provide a virus placement C# that works with DataTrees of points instead of making them internally using a BrepFace (that's the easiest of things). That way you can control the points properly and use the C# once (as an option) ONLY for putting viruses around using any branch you want.  

5. "Columns"/cones derived from, say, 2 separate def sectors (why?) MUST been handled within a single DataTree where branch 0 contains the cones related with viruses and branch 1 (or more) contains the others

But what actually has Daniel to do with all these? If you have a vault in mind ... why bother with stupid cones et all? (Daniel does this for you). Provide some sketch related with the final goal.  Or you maybe intend to feed K1/2 with stiffer springs (from cones) and less stiff ones (from top) - if so DON'T join the breps. 

After some pressure THD delivered the goods (he's rather lazy on Demo matters: I ordered a DataTree > he did a List [his carrier is rather in jeopardy:The (Merciless) Lord doesn't like deviations).

1. This works (a) either with points (b) or with planes (the pro option) (c) or with any BrepFace and random points made internally (the mode that you know that is). Assume that you want pigs with magnetic shoes placed with respect random normals in a vertical BrepFace: what to do? (I have no idea: ask THD).

2. Rotate (randomly) and Scale (with a variety of ways) are available as well. Want mini to mega pigs? Just set MiniMegaPigEnable true.

3. SpaceMorph Methods are not available for instances.

4. A C# finds all instance definitions available and allows you to pick the desired instance to play with. In plain English: work with any file you want (that has instance definitions).

5. Maybe tomorrow (or maybe in a decade) I'll post a tech preview borrowing selected features from internal C# stuff: Get nested instances and do the freak show: want a goat with a pig's tail? Want a sardine with an Armani suit and (obviously) with T-Rex ears? Easy > just turn variable LOL-23R true.


This is hilarious.  And perhaps I am only appreciating it at face value, in which case, excuse my shallowness, but what is the point of this? I certainly enjoy the mulitiscaled/directed pigs etc. but I'm not sure what direction to take this.

Also- t-rex ears!? that's insanely brilliant. very cool stuff.

...but I'm not sure what direction to take this....

Elementary my dear Watson:

Assume that you have trees in mind. These things usually come in different sizes ... thus you can use ONE instance definition placed with the random scale option and have a forest. The fact that each derive from the same parent is rather irrelevant (who's gonna noticed it?) especially with the random rotate On.

Or you can (rather better) use sardines that also come in various sizes (spot the random scale Min/Max option specifically written for sardines).

Or you can use a money instance definition yielding big/mega money if the right option is On.

Another rather convincing real-life case (var Scale):

Assume that you do the shown WIP Ministry of Truth (process the proper truth for the masses > raw truth is bad) in Planet Pink.

What if the client wants some citizens in order to enhance the realism? These critical matters are only addressed  by Fotiadis ACME Industries.

And the ultimate proof:

Assume that Daniel (K2: only code) does this, this and that and an ugly boxy mesh is "inflated" yielding a proper liquid shape (a next gen school bus for Planet Pink, only doable by Fotiadis ACME Heavy industries - that is).

How to viz the bus (+ children) ?

In plain English:

IF you choose another instance PRIOR disabling the C# this means that instances are placed WITHOUT deleting the previous placed ones: thus you can add stuff on an "arbitrary" basis whilst settings concern only the currently selected instance.

For instance assume that you are in the Bermuda Shorts business and you want  various ideas concerning a new ad campaign:

Or assume that the 4 horsemen want from you to quickly present some concept proposals related with a terminal event that they have in mind:


1. What do I read/watch/etc. to learn this programming shtick? Show me this dark side, I can't be helpless.

2. So now, I have vortex pieces that pierce the layers below them in shapes that aren't circles... how can I adjust for these more irregular conic sections? (so these above are just circles, but if the upper cones were to come in at an angle.... they would make some pretty fancy hyperbolas... how could I open this mesh up to start making room for the moving cones on top?)

3. On the purple layer here, I started angling the direction of the cones, but my definition slows down the whole program, how do I make this faster? Really, the goal is just to show movement, via animation or even a curve to track the movement- what is the best way to go about this? I need the tops of the vortex pieces to start intertwining, but I am not sure how to do this efficiently.


But HEEERREEE is the version that includes those marvelous additions you provided yesterday, but unfortunately, does not account for ...un-orthogonal vortex splines...

The weavy splines seem to slow it down like mad crazy.

Any suggestions on how to speed it up/create/trace movement?

Thank you so much!








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