
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mostapha and Chris,

I got the following errors from the "readEPResult" component, when I ran it in a new laptop:

1. Your simulation probably did not run correctly.
Check the report out of the Run Simulation component to see what severe or fatal errors happened in the simulation.
If there are no severe or fatal errors, the issue could just be that there is .eio file adjacent to the .csv _resultFileAddress.
Check the folder of the file address you are plugging into this component and make sure that there is both a .csv and .eio file in the folder.

In my case, no severe or fatal errors happened in the simulation, and no eio file generated in the folder, but some csv files of customised schedules.

It didn't happen in my original laptop when I used exactly the same GH file to run. Could you please let me know what could be the problem? (Maybe some problems related to installation? but I followed exactly the same as Installation Instructions in the downlaod page. Thank you in advance!

I noticed that someone else also had similar questions in the forum, but no clear answer was given yet. Thank you once again.



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I won't know what is going wrong unless you upload the example file with the error.  I will take a look if you do so.  Make sure the you are using the newest release that was issued earlier today.



I should also note that the new release includes better error messages when things go wrong with this components.  Let me know if the new version is solving your issue.


Dear Chris,

Sorry for my late reply, and thank you so much for your kind help!

The errors mentioned above has disappeared when I updated to the newest version.

But, problems regarding the "readAnnualResultsI" component occur in daylight simulation, for which I will put it in another poster.

Thank you once again.








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