
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi to all,

i got stuck with that problem mentioned above. Iam trying to run honeybee on my Computer but honeybee is not working. I use Microsoft Windows 8.1 as operating system. I downloaded the latest version of grasshopper, ladybug, honeybee, Daysim, Energyplus and radiance and installed them on my computer exactly as the installation instruction tells me, line by line. 

The problem is that the honeybee icon in grasshopper is always red highlighted and prompts the following error.

Honeybee Runtime Error: Win32Exception

So i found this forum where this problem was discussed few months earlier. There was this guy Neil Bulger with exactly the same problem. Mostapha advised him to download the and to open it in Grasshopper.

I downloaded the same and opened it and the resulting picture is attached.

Mostapha answered that this is a permission issue with the following instructions

"Let's do this. If you check output of Ladybug_Ladybug component it should tell you where the default folder is set to. It can be C:\Ladybug or C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug\. Can you check and see if the folder is already created? If not can you create it and let the Honeybee fly again?"

Honeybee hasn't created a Ladybug folder in the mentioned directory, so i created one myself. I followed this advise but honeybee didn't work! 

I don't know how to get honeybee flying? Can anyone please help me? Thank you 

It would be cool to know where each component of honeybee, ladybug etc. should be located in the windows directory!


Views: 397


Replies to This Discussion

I know you said you followed the install instructions, but take a look at the list below and see if any of these haven't happened yet since the folder should have created themselves with a successful install.  Step #6 is the biggest issue I've run in to in our office with installs (I recommended unblocking the zipfile and then installing them so you don't have to select each one individually.)  good luck!

1. create a food4rhino account
2. Download ladybug and honeybee
3. Copy downloaded files to UserObjects folder in grasshopper
4. If the new tabs aren't visable in Rhino, download ghpython
5. Copy to grasshopper libraries folder
6. right click>properties and make sure the file has not been blocked/ disabled
7. drag files into grasshoper





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