
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Could not import File from a network drive into grasshopper because of file event watcher something

I made a nice little script with gh which runs great, but needs files to import. On my laptop it worked great, but now in the company on the network associated PC it won't run because of this error:

Could not create a file event watcher for: V:\xxx\xxx\user\xxx\test.txt

Is it a problem of rights? I have all rights in this Folder as a User.

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Replies to This Discussion

Windows doesn't trust files on remote volumes as much as local files, so it's often difficult to make it work.

I'm afraid it's complicated. It depends on what version of windows, on the settings, on 3rd party programs like virus scanners and firewalls, on network settings, ...

You should be able to at least read data from a network drive, but it just occurred to me that you may be talking about native GH components not working, rather than a script you write in C# or Python. Is that correct? If so, can I see the errors you're getting as screenshots?





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