
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I'm a beginner on Honeybee and Ladybug. I particularly want to perform a daylight factor analysis. But I don't manage to launch any analysis with a grasshopper file which had worked in the past.

I get a message error with the Honeybee_Run Daylight Simulation component which is:"Solution exception:honeybe_materialLib" 

After a first message to Mostapha (the developper), I checked the Honeybee_honeybee component. And it is grey but anyway,I have an error message in it which is that Honeybee doesn't manage to download files and that I need OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf.

Yet, I installed Radiance in the right folder (C:/Radiance) and also for DaySIM, EnergyPlus and ladybug.

So, do I need to download OpenStudio because it seems that there is no problem with paths.

Thank you for your help, François.

Views: 812

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Hi Lefeuvre,

Thank you for the explanation. The answer looks to be right there. Can you please download the file manually and copy it to Ladybug's default folder. It should be "c:\ladybug" or  "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug",

and then let the honeybee fly again. This should solve the issue.


Hi Mostapha,

I've just done what you ask me to do. But nothing has changed. I still have the same message from the Honeybee_honeybee component. I don't know if I've done a mistake during the installation but I have two paths for Ladybug (the two that you indicated earlier). So I put the OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf in both folders. Is that normal? However, there is always the same message from the Honeybee_honeybee component.



Hi Mostapha,

Actually, I find a way to make it work. The file that you gave me was a text file and even if I renamed it in "Op...plate.idf", Windows still see it as a text file. But I have found a version on an other computer and it seems to work now. However, there is still a problem. Now the Honeybee_honeybee component wants an other file that it doesn't manage to download. This file also begins by "OpenStudio..." i.e. "OpenStudio_Standards.json".

Is there a whole package of OpenStudio files that I forgot to install/download?


Hi Francois,

Sorry for the late reply. There are couple of files that Ladybug and Honeybee download on users systems. Looks like in your case all the downloads fail. I put all the files that you need here is a .zip file:

Please copy the files to the folders that I mentioned above. Let me know if it didn't solve the issue.

Also if you have sent this question to Ladybug group discussions (and not the comments!) someone would probably get back to you sooner! :)


Hi Mostapha,

It`s really helpful with your induction and thanks for the effort.

But the link you have showed for downloading the whole pack (""), I couldn`t reach it. Is it possibly you could send me the zip file though Email? Mine is

Thanks a lot!







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