
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to create variable "openings" of a triangular Resch tessellation as shown below. 

I've tried doing this by creating a 'control' triangle (yellow in screenshot below) that shrinks to close the star fold (red) or grows to open it.

The folding works properly if the control triangle is applied to all of the star folds, but when applied to only a selection of them, it doesn't seem to give expected results.  The 'actuated' stars are closed (red) but the stars surrounding them (green) do not follow the correct fold pattern.  I am not sure why this happens...?

I suppose another way to achieve this variable folding is to single out the fold lines around these selected stars and apply a different fold angle...but maybe then the way I've set up the basic origami pattern does not make that so easy...?

Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

(Please excuse the messy definition)


Views: 12355


Replies to This Discussion

sorry for late reply

this is an intresting challenge...

have you reached a solution?

if not... can you explain better/again what your final goal is?





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