
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I just this moment updated grasshopper, and a definition that I built no longer works due to an issue with Interpolate Curve.

I have 3 data streams, each with 6 branches and 1 value in each branch.

I am creating 6 interpolate curves from each point in the data stream (3 total).

This was working perfectly fine in just the previous version of grasshopper, and now it does not work.

I am able to create lines (not interpolate curve component) from 2 sets of data streams, but when I add the 3rd stream, or try an interpolate curve, it breaks.

The error I am getting is this:

"Insufficient interpolation points for a curve"

I have tried to change the degree as well, but that did not fix it.

Like I said, this was working fine with the previous version of grasshopper.



Views: 3538

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Could you share a capture of the data tree structure in the input point parameter at interpolated curve component?

Here is a screen capture of the 3 original data streams, then paths flipped in order to make each index of each data stream be part of the same curve.


Problem solved.

Looks like (I am familiar with how to work with paths and tree, but do not know the terminology) this was the problem:

First stream looked like this ----  {0} N = 1, {1} N=1, etc.

Second stream looked like this -  {0,0} N=1, {0,1} N=1, etc.

Third stream looked the same as the Second.

So, based on this link that you provided Ángel, it looks like the branch mismatching in the trees was the cause of the problem.

can u help me out please asap?

hello. i am getting the same problem in my scripting . 

i downloaded the audio amplitude quantifier . that converts the audio file to a script.

when i open the given script for audio conversion that i am suppose to open on grasshopper and then open the file of .txt. by selecting set one point path. i get component errors like this . 

please see the attached images. 

please rever asap how can i change it. 

i am in desperate need for help for my project. 

i even get the same insufficient interpolation points for a curve how am i suppose to fix that. 

please help. 

and if i try in with rhinoscript it shows this eror. 


1. Line 37: Function 'ParseLine' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

this is the error that comes . what should i do for this error . 






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