
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help! I'm getting the error that 'createHBZones is not defined'. I don't think it's a problem with the geometry, it's all closed polysurfaces. I thought maybe my honeybee was out of date so I reinstalled and re-dropped the update and honeybee_honeybee components and ran them. Still not working, what am I doing wrong?!


Hi Aaron. It sounds like a problem that comes with using an older version of Honeybee_Honeybee with a newer version of other components. I recently added a versionCompatability check to all the components so if you are using updated components it should give you a warning! I am not sure why updateHoneybee didn't really update your components. I think I need to add few lines to remove the old version before copying the new ones. 


It seems this "_createHBzones is not defined" happens for a bunch of other components as well ("_xxxx is not defined"). I don't believe I'm updating wrong, I'm just dropping the _Update Honeybee onto the canvas and running it (i then redropped Honeybee_Honeybee onto the canvas and tried to update again, same error). All of the components update to the Aug_25_2014 version except the _Update Honeybee itself, which is still at Mar_17_2014. I noticed that the image you attached has a different honeybee icon and is for Sep_3_2014. I also am curious about the _splitbuilding Masses component and the building zone/office zone programs component as those aren't existent as a tools in my honeybee library. I'm assuming this has something to do with the updating issue as well?

I really appreciate the help, thank you!



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After multiple times of crashing rhino/grasshopper, and repeatedly banging my head against the wall, the update finally worked (somehow, I don't really know why)!!!! Diving into it to see if I have any other issues, but it looks good. I now have access to the components I was previously missing and no errors yet.


Hi Aaron,

Sorry that update makes so many issues for you. I originally developed update component only for developers and it it has couple of limitations that you should know about it. Now that it is getting used more and more I should probably modify the code to address the limitations.

Happy that it finally works for you.







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