
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

the last selection of 'Value List' in old GH File will not be loaded.


I have updated my GH from 0014 to 0075.

many things is much better.

I found but one thing, if I load old GH Defintion of 0014 with GH 0075, GH 0075 can not load correctly the saved selection of value list.

(GH choose always first value in the list)

Could you fix this problem?

Thank you!

Views: 385

Replies to This Discussion

Does this happen all the time or only when opening old files?

If the latter, can you post such a file?

It happens, only if I open the old file with new grasshopper 'first time'.

If I save old file with new grasshopper, then the choosen value in the list is selected by next open.

It seems like, that the new GH can not load given selection from the old file...

If you upload such an old file that opens incorrectly, I can start looking for the bug. But without such a file it's pretty hopeless.

Guten Morgen David,

you can find Bug Sample in attachment.

I create it with 0014 and selected value "Three".

If you open it with 0075, you will see, "one" is selected by loading.



Yeah, found and fixed the bug. The next release will open value list correctly again. I'll try and release soon, there's a number of bug fixes and features I want to get out there.

thank you always!

from Stgt.





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