
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Implements a non-optimized 'Find-N-Closest-Points' search routine in Grasshopper. First all points are sorted based on distance, then the N closest points are extracted.

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hello, i'm new to gh. when i click on the sortandsubset.ghx file it takes me to a bunch of text. I would like to know how to sort a list of angles in order of maximum to minimum value and i think this could be the solution. could you please give a brief summary of the components used? otherwise, could i please be pointed to a thread which deals with this issue? thank you!
I believe if you right click on the link and select Save Target As... it will allow you to save it properly. Double check that it uses the correct GHX file extension.
Hello Scott,

I am a current Grad Student at Kent State Univeristy working in a digital studio and part of my project has led into something resembling the sort and subset you have presented. I have tried the select 'save target as' option and it still seems to save as a XML file. I was trying to get it to save as a GHX file but with no luck. Any suggestions or maybe the file could be sent Via email?
Thank you
Carl Veith-------- Nevermind I was able to sort out the problem... thank you
Carl, save it as .XML and then rename .XML to .GHX
Nice, at first, I did not recognize the SORT component with the options A, B and C... I like it a lot...






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