
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I will be posting all material here and also on if anyone is interested.


Grasshopper is a Plug-in to the Rhinoceros 3D Modelling program. It provides generative and parametric design capabilities to the relatively low cost but feature rich software package.

For designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper® is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring.


Grasshopper has a social networking site for support and collaboration where there are 15k active members. This figure is growing, on average, by 15 users a day and whilst you have direct access to the developer for support, suggestions and issues, it is usually the community of users which is willing to offer help at a moments notice. Rarely are questions left unanswered for more than an hour.


There is a common thread of questions and misconceptions relating to the data structure used by Grasshopper. The data is organised into Trees (Data Structures)which incorporates a Path Structure for accessing and retrieving specific items. It is the Manipulation and Management of this Path Structure which I will be addressing here. 

Current version 0.8.0066

Views: 491


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Comment by Ángel Linares on February 22, 2012 at 1:02pm





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