
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH Webinar - GH Plug-in Development in C#

Just a little blatant self promotion :)

If you have a basic knowledge of working with C# scripts in Grasshopper but want to take it to the next level and start building your own GHAs, you may be interested in the webinar I'm teaching tomorrow for We will go through the basics of plug-in development - the structure of the code, how to get data in and out of a component, and the debugging process.

The webinar is at 12:30PM ET on Wednesday Dec 7. Sign up here:

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Comment by Bethany Bauch on September 4, 2019 at 3:47am

I am well acquainted with the basics of C# scripts but I am not enough good in webinar. I want to learn structure of this code, debugging process, and basics of development of plug-in from you. I prefer to visit Joo casino when I need some entertainment or fun with friends.

Comment by Guido R on December 15, 2016 at 7:39pm

do you have any more of these planned?





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