
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I just started to learn grasshopper and am required to compile 3 excel datasets of a Dutch painter's life in any aspect I like, and subsequently visualise them as maps in two and three dimensional constructs. 

I'm really clueless at the moment on how to achieve the latter. I have compiled 3 excel datasets of my chosen painter - Rembrandt, in terms of his paintings and year they were produced, location coordinates of the places he lived and visited before, and paintings' location coordinates.

Is there any script file or tutorial that I can refer to? I have been trying my best to search for it or I can't find anything relevant. 

I have attached two images to show the output of the task I'm supposed to produce. They depict the relationship between artificial and public spaces in the world, shown as 2D and 3D diagrams produced in Grasshopper and rendered in Rhino.

Any help is genuinely appreciated as my deadline is around the corner.

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Hi Richard,

step one is to get the data from Excel into Grasshopper. I think there are plugins for reading Excel files or maybe connecting to an instance of Excel, I'm not sure. However if the data is reasonably simple then you should be able to export it as CSV and import it using native components.

Step two is to parse the data. If it comes in as CSV text then you need to convert it to -probably- numbers and maybe vectors or points or colours depending on what you need.

Step three is the hard bit, you need to decide how the data translates to your diagram. You haven't been very explicit here. The images you posted aren't very explanatory to me. You're looking to generate a diagram of differently sized circles within a larger circle? What controls the position of a circle? What controls the size of a circle? What controls the colour -if there is one- of the circle?

Grasshopper has no native circle-packing tools, but Kangaroo can be used for this.


David Rutten






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