
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

What the hell?? please help¡¡¡ I'm sure that it' due to my ignorance¡¡¡

Dear all:

I´m trying to subtract a set of spagueti style cilinders from a box. Boolean solid difference only works if I only try to subtract a single cilinder but it returns nothing if I try with the whole set of cilinders (some kind of bug), so I thought, desperately, that it could be possible with HS, making a solid difference one by one.

The thing is the I can't make my mind on how can I use the last solution as the input for the next solid difference in a cumulative way. maybe the images explain themselves better than I do:

Here you can see iteration 1 and 2, I'd need iteration 2 to be done using iteration 1 solution as input so I should get a multiple times carved board.

The history output has every previous solution so it overlaps the original surface with every solution, and F output only stores each single iteration.

Please help¡¡¡

Thanks in advance.

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