
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

Not sure if I'm missing something very obvious but cant to get this to work (or incidentally work out the logic for it!)

I am working on a folded façade (Screenshot) that had a representation of an image across it (castle4.)

My first though was image sampler to the surface but I can not work how to get the sampler to view all the surface as one whole and apply the image across the whole thing regardless of the kinks.

just to ad because I'm not sure that this is very clear

I have 15 surface all connected by not a single surface due to the geometry and I would like the image to be a single image but across all the individual surfaces.

my end goal is a perforated façade based on the interpretation of the image

any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.



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Good Morning mr Harrison, i think it kind of depends where this is going to be seen from. Because of the faceted nature of the surface, the image is only going to be visible from one specific angle. I don't think its possible to have an image across all those surfaces that can be understood from more than one place.

So the first thing i would do considering that you are happy with the restraint is consider where you want this view to be from... pedestrian level? an entrance to the space? a public area.

Secondly i would do the image sampler onto a surface that is orientated from that position at the screens. Then project using that vector. That way the image will be perfectly readable from that position...






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