
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Triangulation Frame from 3D Voronoi points - Live Components Tutorial

Hello Everyone,


Massive n00b here, in way above my head, trying to put this together for a uni assignment due very very soon, completely lost on this point.

I've been trying to understand the description file on this page ( to essentially create a triangulated frame from 3d voronoi points (ignoring the kangaroo part for now).

I'm stuck on the point where (..I think..) I'm trying to define a function that will offset a line to triangulate the previous offset. I've included an image of the component I'm stuck on as well as the original description jpg.

At this point I have no idea what I'm doing and if I've made any previous mistakes, any and all thought/ideas/help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a heap in advanced :)




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thats for testing if parallel lines are oriented the same, and flipping them if not.

I debugged the rest fast but I don't know if it should work that way.


Wow, ok thanks a heap Sytemig! I still don't completely understand what on earth is going on here but this really helped a lot.. will eventually learn to swim if I'm in the deep-end..

With your help I've been able to build the model up to the Kangaroo Physics component which for some reason is giving me a hard time - I'm getting a "Solution Exception: Index was out of range" runtime error which has me completely lost again.

Thanks again for your help! 


Hi Jeremy,

I'm interested too, it's a good definition.

Any news?





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