
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have built definition for 5 different components in grasshopper for different sets of spaces in my building...

I am using sweep tool in order to create this suspended bloby shaped spaces and each space needs to be created out of 4 sweeps, otherwise sweep does not work. I tried loft, but it only works in the direction of one section curve.

One definition uses 4 planes (floors) as basis since spaces interact with each other vertically.

I started applying grasshopper definitions to surfaces in order to bake them. I managed to bake first four components...

...and then at the fifth one all the sudden the sweeps were not as clear as in the previous ones.

The curves just go crazy somewhere near the intersection point. I don't have a clue what could have gone wrong all the sudden, because I haven't changed the definition or any of the sliders.

This is very odd, because even when I open a new rhino file, create new surfaces and try applying the most basic definition for just one suspended space that i know worked a couple of hours ago, same thing happens.

Maybe it is some overall setting either in rhino or grasshopper that went crazy...

Could anyone please assist me with this?

I am attaching two snapshots (one is the part of the gh definition where I am suspecting something went wrong and the other is a rhino snapshot of one component)

Thank you so much in advance!



Views: 1241


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Luka,

Your rar file is damaged, please can you send them directly as 3dm and ghx?

Many thanks,


Have you tried changing the tolerance and running your definition again?

Go to options and set the tolerance to 0.1 if you are using millimeters. Then press space bar in the GH canvas and press the "play" button.

rar files are not compatible with the ning network, don't ask me why but no one has ever been able to download one yet. It should be a zip file.

PS now go to the pub and celebrate St Paddy's Day!! Mines a Guinness if your buying.

hehe, you guys have so many excuses to drink beers ! Never heard of St Paddy before, is it like St-Patrick? Hope you liked the logo of the London group ;) Luka, please can you send the file and a printscreen of the problematic surface? Will do my best to help.

Loved the Logo!

Under celebrations for St Patrick's Day see drinking Irish beer

Also called (St) Patrick's Day
(St) Paddy's Day
(St) Patty's Day
Observed by Irish people and people of Irish descent,
Catholic Church (seecalendar), Anglican Communion (see calendars),Eastern Orthodox Church (seecalendar), Lutheran Church(see calendar)
Type Christian, national, ethnic
Significance Feast day of Saint Patrick, commemoration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland[1]
Date 17 March
Celebrations Attending parades, attendingcéilithe, wearing shamrocks, wearing green, drinking Irish beer, drinking Irish whiskey
Observances Attending mass or service

Hello guys,

Thanks for your enthusiasm to solve my problem :)

This is the definition for just one of the shapes which I want to create. The 3dm file is only two planes and units are in meters. My tolerance is set to 0.01.

As you can see from the snapshot the curves stat creating loops near the intersection point for some reason.

Thank you for your help,

Happy St. Patricks day to both of you :)



Hi Luka,

Got the problem: Instead of using sweep 1 rail, use sweep 2 rails. You will get more control over the curves defining your geometry. Have a look below and at the file attached:

Danny, I think you are ready to open up a life forum with answers to everyone's queries!

Happy sunday!


Hello guys, 

The problem solved itself somehow. I have no idea how but so sometimes it works now...i hope this will not happen again.

Take care and thanks again.







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