
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am using GH to create templates for making eyeglasses.  The process uses a pantograph approach for many (30+) steps.  Each stage requires us to make a template with pre-defined mounting holes.  What I'd like to do  is setup a GH definition for each step, so all I have to do is:

1 - import the flat line art of the design.

2 - "Set" the left/right eyeholes

3 - "Set" the outside profile

Then, GH would export (or sendToLayer) the appropriate curve & mounting hole combinations for each template.  I have attached a sample layout where "EHT" and "OPT" are the desired geometry to export. 

My main question:

Can I set up GH to "run" a whole sequence of a definition upon my pressing "run" or something?  For instance: press "run", GH says "select eye holes", I click them, GH says "Select outside profile", I click it, and GH spits out all the templates I have defined (preferably in a format such as "design1_EHT", "deign1_OPT" etc.)

Thanks so much in advance for any help!!!!!


Views: 292

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OK, I'm soooo close...  I've setup the LocalCodeExport component, but the layer names aren't behaving the way I'd expect.  Anyone have any suggestions? 



... anyone?





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