
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm stuck trying to duplicate the tree branches. Based on a tree with two branches and would like to obtain another 5 branches by repeating three times the first branch and the second repeating twice.
To understand the problem I had that test done manually on a small scale, 5 branches are not too many values. But the real problem is managing a tree of 200 branches.
Does anybody know how to duplicate branches? I tried the component replaced with branches but doesn't accepts a list of paths ..... any suggestion is welcome!
The objective is to achieve a 2D map as attached map.jpg where on each circle center start 8 lines of variable length depending on the values entered through a csv file. After a shape would be based on the endpoints of these lines....

Views: 3378


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have you tried the duplicate component?
Yes! but it merge the paths........

I have:

0:0 (consisting of 0:0 once)
0:1 (consisting of 0:0 twice)
0:2 (consisting of 0:0 tree times)
1:0 (consisting of 0:1 once)
1:1 (consisting of 0:1 twice)

I can't see any way to do it with duplicate component and any other component.........I was trying to understand path mapper component deeper but it don't seems to work like I want....I can't access to path 0 and 1 individually.
It's crucial to find out a simple way because of the amount of branches (200)

Hi! you were right! duplicate component is working well! yeah!
Now i just have to solve to convert an integrer to a list of ones
5= 1,1,1,1,1,1
Have you an idea to do that?
Paraphrasing Suryanash:
have you tried the duplicate component? :P
Or you can also try the series component with a 0 step size.

Or do you want them as a single string (a line of text that is "1,1,1,1,1")?

Exactly is just waht I did! Is working perfectly. Combining duplicate data component & series component with N=0 I get exactly the list wich I needed! Now is possible to draw shapes with the end points of the lines because they are in the correct order.
The sketch needs only another small work and it will be done! I will try to bake the shapes with his own color depending on his own data...
Thanks a lot!
You can set the S input of the series component as "1" and avoid the addition component.
Yes. It's oviously true...............jeje Thanks a lot!





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