
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I would like some help creating a topography model and laser cutting files. 

I have been entrusted to create a topography model of Plymouth UK,  for my 3rd year architecture year group. The model is at a scale of 1:200 and is planned to be laser cut out of 1mm sheets of card and stacked on top of each other to create the contour.  I will also need to create a rib structure underneath in order for the model to stay upright. From then onwards, the year group will be creating the buildings to be placed on top. 

What I have done so far:

I have created the surface  topography using digimaps contour lines, then extruded down 5mm (the desired thickness of the stacked contours) 

I have then divided into contours 1mm thick) and split them to the size of our A1 card

From here I have struggled all day to complete - 

What I am struggling with:

-I need to project the road map and building outline onto the top surface of each contour, but only onto the part that is exposed, not the part that is overlapped. And these lines need to be in Blue for laser cutting (etching) purposes

-I need to project the edge of each contour down onto the contour below, so that when it is constructed the layers can be accurately positioned.( also Blue)

-I need to number each slice (eg. row A, column 1, slice, 1 etc) for ease of assemble.(Blue)

-I need to collate/nest all slices onto A1 size sheets, and for laser cutting purposes the outlines of the slices need to be in Red. 

Like I have said, I have tried multiple attempts today to try and sort these things but I am having great difficulty as my knowledge is fairly basic (even though I have been nominated as the best for the work) 

I have attached my files below so If anyone could help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Alex

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