
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody, a question for you.. 

I have 400 boxes on a surface, all of varying sizes - let's say between 400mm cubed to 1500mm cubed. 

I'd like to do two things with these. 

1) I'd like grasshopper to list how many boxes there are between a range of sizes - so how many of them are between 400-409mm? 

2) I'd like to standardise them - so if we have 15 boxes that range between 400-409mm, I'd like to make them all 400mm. 

So out of 400 boxes I'd like maybe 10 different, standardised types and a list of how many of each there are.

Obligatory screenshot of botched ghx. 


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This similar case might be helpful to you. Check this out if you want.


That is utterly brilliant! Only problem I have is that it puts the small boxes where I want the large ones - so I need to reverse the attractor. Such a noob question I know.. but I am a noob. 

Lovely work!

Of course, the choice is yours.


Hyungsoo, you are a genius! One more thing.. I'm trying to change the influence range of the attractor curve but keep messing it up completely. Any ideas? 

Thankyou so much for your help so far!


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LORDY lordy lordy. 

Thank you so much! Incredible work! 

Thank you again!






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